Here's a quick little excerpt into my writing style from script to final page. This is from Spooky Sleepover. This story is called "Dinner and A Werewolf."
It's probably my favorite story of the three as I think we really just fired on all cylinders and Jess just absolutely nailed it. When it comes to writing comics for Jess in the short time we have been working together he really just gets what I am trying to write. I think having that trust and chemistry is so vital to comics because not only do I trust that'll he get the story but I know he'll make it a thousand times better than I could imagine the story playing out in my head. It really brings it to life in the best way.
My scripts tend to differ slightly with who I am writing for but I still always like to really keep it simple and straight to the point while leaving a lot of room for my artists to work. Jess really just goes crazy with it and the story is so much better for it. Comics are indeed a collaboration and in my experience always turn out best when the people making them are having fun creating them.
Page 6
Panel 1
Allison is still running through the woods. She hears Aaron yell again.
Allison! Where are you?
Panel 2
Allison runs to a clearing in the woods and trips on a branch.
Panel 3
She lands face first in a pile of mud!
Panel 4
She stumbles up and wipes the mud off her face.
Panel 5
Just then as she looks up we see the werewolf in full view, snarling and drooling scary! Aaron is frozen in place. He’s still holding the pizza box. He’s staring directly at Allison.
I think he’s really mad and I think he’s a werewolf and I think I’m about to pee my pants.
Panel 6
Allison drops the garbage bag. Aaron drops the pizza boxes on the ground.
Panel 7
The werewolf shoots a mean glance at Aaron.
Page 7
Panel 1
Aaron puts his hands up and tries to talk his way out of it as the werewolf approaches him. Allison is still standing there scared stiff.
Hey...hey...hey man. You don’t want to eat me. I haven’t taken a bath in like a week!
Panel 2
The werewolf steps closer towards them as the kids back away a little bit.
Panel 3
Allison signals towards Aaron from across the clearing. The werewolf looks like it’s going to attack any minute.
Aaron. Look. When I say go, grab the garbage and run to the house. Okay?
Panel 4
Aaron looks confused. Allison looks matter of fact.
What? Are you crazy? Why do we need the garbage? WE’RE GOING TO DIE!!!
Because dad told us to take out the garbage! I’d rather die than get grounded again!
Panel 5
Aaron nods.
Aaron (confidently)
Panel 6
Allison gives the signal! RUN!
Panel 7-8
The kids grab the garbage and pizza boxes and start to run. The werewolf charges toward them.
Page 8
Panel 1
The kids are running as fast as they can while still holding the garbage. The werewolf looks crazed and is running after them on all fours.
Panel 2
Close up of the kids faces as they are running. Aaron has boogers in his nose.
Allison (out of breath)
Panel 3
Allison digs into one of the garbage bags. The werewolf seems to smell something?
Panel 4
Allison throws out a half eaten chicken bone.
Panel 5
The werewolf stops to eat it!
Panel 6
The kids stop for a second. They look pretty excited.
Oh man! He’s just hungry
That’s what I thought!