Finding Someone To Draw Your Comic

So you want to make comics? Awesome. 

So you have so many ideas that you think would work great if only you knew someone who would draw it? That's cool too. 

Let's great real here, I would not be where I am today if it weren't for countless collaborators and colleagues and people in the comic community who took a chance on me. My very first four page comic was drawn by Leslie Gauthier (, someone I randomly met while attending a comic convention years ago.

Here is that story here..


The story is not very good (I still love Leslie's art though) but after seeing my very first comic script fully realized, it was definitely a holy shit moment. I made a comic! A real comic!

The good thing about having finished stories, regardless of length shows other people that you are actually capable of collaborating and creating something with other people and I honestly think that sort of thing has really got me most of my work. I noticed right away how differently people and other creators treated me once I showed them completed work. It also was good because it showed others the type of comics I want to make. I wasn't just a dude that wanted to do something, I was a dude who WAS doing something and people noticed. 

I started writing short comics because I was very unsure of myself as a comic writer but also because it wasn't a huge commitment to find someone to draw a four page story. I'm sure you have an awesome idea for a 300 page graphic novel or ongoing series that you would like to write but I really think it's best to start out with smaller, short stuff to get your name out there and that also will give you the chance to work with different artists on different stuff. 

Everyone has an idea for a comic or graphic novel but those are just ideas and promises, people will take you (hopefully) more seriously if you can walk the walk. The only thing you need to do to become a comic creator is simple, just make some comics! Don't think a few short stories count less than a full issue, you are still creating something and that's what you want. 

So where do you find artists? Nowadays it's basically EVERYWHERE. Comic shops, conventions, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook. Anywhere that there is people who like comics, there's going to be someone who either wants to make them or already does make them. Nowadays it has never been easier to get your work shown and to get in touch with other people making comics.

My best experience with finding people to work with is in person, at comic shops or at a  gallery or parties and signings. Support other peoples comics and buy them and talk about the comics you love online or in person. Make friends with other creators because you never know who has a friend who might want to make the same type of comics you dream of creating. 

Also probably most importantly, be cool if you do find a collaborator because comics take FOR-EV-ER. You may think that it took you a while to write a script but drawing them takes way longer. If someone is taking the time to draw your story give them some space, keep in touch but never rush them. 


Feel free to hit me with any questions or comments, etc.